Career Counselling for Students & Employers - L3 Certificates
Career Guidance/ Career Counseling is a process of taking candidate through career options suitable to his strengths.
Career counselling also known as career guidance is an important activity for students after 8th standard in general and after 10th & 12th in specific. career coach certification activity provides appreciate direction in life and saves a lot of time and expense in trial and error.
These strengths come in the form of personality traits, work aptitude and temperament, his/ her education, family background, professional exposure, financial status and the level of ambition. We are all different in all these aspects.
We at endorphin corporation look at the personality traits of the candidate against his current socio-economic position. This helps us to make the best choice for the candidate.
At the education (School/ College going students) level, this process is mainly focused on choosingthe right stream of study. We look at 1000 job roles against the mentioned predispositions.
There are three events in this process:
Endorphin Career Coaching is an extended version of Endorphin Career Guidance. In career coaching we handhold the candidate while s/he achieves the goals set by us together. This hand holding may continue for a few years depending on the need.
Endorphin Optimize Potential is offered to companies for better performance and satisfaction of their employees. It is a process of career development offered to the employees. In this, we help employees take right steps to get satisfaction out of their work. In this we improve the motivational issues of the employees.
The process involved is as below: